Stress Management

“We’ve got a thousand different diagnoses and diseases out there. They’re just the weak link. They’re all the result of one thing: stress. If you put enough stress on the chain and you put enough stress on the system, then one of the links breaks.”

Dr. Ben Johnson
Physician, author and leader in energy healing.
The Secret

All stress begins with a negative thought. Negative thoughts can build up until poor health results. Poor health can be disease, the inability to heal, or stress. There are many options available for eliminating stress. Whether it be relaxation, organization, or counseling, the ultimate cure is positive thinking.

Recognizing the difference between good and bad stress is the first step in stress management. Good stress provides motivation to complete daily tasks at home and at work, while bad stress has negative side effects that can harm mental health and lead to other health problems. Many people do not consider good stress to be stress because often the feeling of completing daily tasks is uplifting. Negative stress is noticed when the satisfaction of completing tasks becomes boring, frustrating, or tiresome.

Knowing the symptoms of prolonged stress will help in determining the treatment needed for stress recovery. Anxiety, boredom, depression, emotional fatigue, headaches, sleep disturbances, muscle aches, withdrawal of contact from others, as well as more severe symptoms like severe depression, drug and alcohol abuse, loss of sex drive, crying, sleeplessness, and lowered ability to perform work and other daily activities.

Thinking positively, one thought at a time, will eliminate stress. The power of positive thinking is outstanding, providing immediate results. This is not to say that positive thinking is easy, it can actually be very challenging if having been immersed in negative thought for long periods of time. Learn to eliminate stress by working on your mental health and positive thoughts, and seeking professional help if necessary.

Tea House Health Lodge

I am currently working on starting up a business for natural healing practices where families and patients can go to learn about disease prevention, and seek natural treatments for healing.

This health lodge will be a beautiful place that will have the care needed for many different ailments so that people will be able to live a happy and healthly life without the use of manufactured drugs and chemicals.

Check out more information about services and facilities offered at Tea House Health Lodge and don’t forget to check out the ‘About’ page to read about why I am staring up this business.

Cancer Fighting Nutrients

The following essential nutrients that should be taken regularily, but NOT in excess. These nutrients have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer or help fight it. Even with regular doses of these nutrients, cancer may not be completely prevented as other factors such as genes, diet, other drugs and medications, as well as addictions can influence the risk for acquiring cancer. This is just a guideline on what should be taken, and what has shown to reduce cancer levels in people.


  • Vitamin D 400-1300 IU   anti-aging and kills cancer cells by ‘proof-reading’ cancerous  areas of the body and DNA mutations that can lead to cancerous tumors.
  • Folate/Folic Acid ~525 µg   has been known to reduce cancer levels by 50-60%. Helps in fetal brain and spinal development and prevents typographical gene duplication errors
  • Selenium 100 µg 2x/day DO NOT EXCEED 1000µg  !!!!! A possible reason for increased breast cancer cases may be due to low levels of selenium in water and soil where plants grow. Some selenium is eaten in foods that grow in selenium rich soils, but some locations (such as Vancouver Island) are potentially low in selenium so supplements may be needed. Foods that grow in the ground, such as garlic, will provide selenium. This nutrient has reduced the cancer death toll by 50%.
  • Tomatoes 10+ servings/week   Tomatoes have can reduce risk of prostate cancer by 25% and reduce the risk of breast cancer by 30-50%! Chemicals in tomatoes attach to free radicals in the body allowing them to be removed from the body before damage occurs. Cooked tomatoes prevent typographical gene duplication erros, like folic acid.
  • Vitamin C 100-500 mg + 400 IU of vitamin D

Other cancer fighting foods include:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower

These are also just good for nutrients, vitamins, and general health.



Law of Least Effort – Deepak Chopra

“There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this… meaning is serving your own evolution.”

Deepak Chopra

Accept the situations you experience as they occur. Every moment is as It should be becuase the Universe is as It should be.

Accept even those situations that are not as you wish they were. All situations have something to learn from, and all situations can be changed by making your own choices. Remember the Law of Karma.

Take responsibility for your situation and things you see as problems. Responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything. Avoid the need to defend points of view by accepting all points of view. Every person is different and has different beliefs. The way people see things determines what they consider to be right. Every person is as much wrong as they are right, it only depends on the point of view they have.

This can be the most difficult law to follow, but the most interesting and in depth perspective on life. I still struggle with this law, because no one wants to admit when they are wrong, nor do they want to feel without support of others. But if you can believe in yourself and take responsibility for your actions and your thoughts, you will not need approval of others and will be able to have a point of view without becoming defensive. Your stress will be greatly reduced if you can follow this.

The Law of Karma – Deepak Chopra

An interesting perspective is described by Deepak Chopra as the Law of Karma.

Everything in your life now, is the result of your choices in the past. Whatever you have done has changed your life to bring you to where you are now because all good and bad is the result of something you have done.

So, what are the consequences of your choices that you are making? Will this choice bring you and others happiness?

When you make a choice, what do you feel? Any comfort or discomfort? How will you feel later in life after having made this choice?

Learn from your choices as well as the bad experiences, so you know how to make the right decision in the future.

The Law of Giving – Deepak Chopra

The Law of Giving is another ‘law’ of Deepak’s that I recommend trying. Even a kind word can make a difference in a person’s life.

Give gifts wherever you go, and to whoever you meet. Gifts can include compliments, flowers, prayer, or notes. Not only should you give gifts but you should receive gives too. These gifts are the gifts of life and nature, sunlight, birds, a stream, as well as material gifts of money and compliments. But focus should not be spent only on expecting material gifts without appreciating the gifts that come in other forms in nature. Sometimes the gifts that nature brings can be more rewarding than an object a person can give.

Try to circulate wealth in love and affection, care and appreciation. Wish others joy and happiness.

The Law of Pure Potentiality – Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is a good resource in finding information on how to calm the inner self and promote a healthy life through positive thoughts. The four of the seven ‘laws’ that I found most useful are the Law of Potentiality, The Law of Giving, The Law of Karma, and The Law of Least Effort.

Law of Potentiality

Self is the internal reference point in your own spirit, not objects from your experience in life.

Object referral is the opposite of self, as it is influenced by objects outside of self. This includes situations, people, and things. It is there to seek approval from others, it is based on fear, and this behaviour expects a response. Self, on the other hand, does not fear, seeks no approval, and does not need to control. It is immune to criticism and fearless of challenge, feeling that no persion is superior on inferior.

Self Power is the True Power. It draws what you want to you, including people, situations, and things.

Deepak recommends learning self power with silence each day in nature or at home, with quiet meditation in the morning and at night. Practice stillness and non-judgement.

De-stress Tips from the Oz

To support some of my previous posts, I thought some ideas from the Oz man might benefit.

Includes tips to keep a daily journal, do random acts of kindness, fake your happiness until you feel happy, and create diversions until you are focused on what you should be focusing on.

Also de-stress foods for a good mood

salmon, mushrooms, cherries, amaranth (ancient grain), and dates. check out his site for more detailed information

Even in Rain You Need Water

Its raining out. You feel like lazing about, watching tv or reading a book, curled up on the couch with a blanket. You may drink some hot chocolate or coffee and eat some snacks, but did you realize that drinking sugary bevarages does not substitute a fresh glass of water? The body is 50-80% water, so drink up!

And did you know that drinking a glass of water can actually prevent you snacking excessively on junk? You can limit the snack cravings by drinking a glass of water because  a glass of water can make you feel full preventing snacking on junk. So drink plenty of water and feel energized during the day!