Sometimes it is difficult to fit an active lifestyle into a busy life. I know that I have had trouble, especially in the last week, trying to get out to play tennis or go for walks. Between moving, school, and summer plans, it becomes difficult to exercise and make sure you are eating all the necessary vitamins.

Some things that I find helpful.

– have plenty of fruits that you enjoy eating at the ready. I find cutting up strawberries and leaving in the fridge to take for a school snack very helpful. Also it makes a great dessert if dipping into a melted square of dark chocolate. Cut up banana and orange slices are also easy to dip and very tasty and healthy. As long as the chocolate is 70% or more, and the fruit has been washed, it is a very delicious treat.

– Vacuuming! Now your significant other may not think that you are exercising, but vacuuming can really help burn some calories and make you sweat, especially in hot weather. Not only are you burning some calories and getting the heart moving, but you are getting a clean house out of it. If vacuuming is not your thing, try turning it into a game and have a vacuum race with yourself. Each time you vacuum see if you can better your time (without knocking over any furniture and denting walls). You have to do a good job and not cut corners and prevent damaging the house in the process. Those are just some rules to follow.

– Stress release. If you are like me and busy with school and other more important things than exercising, it is really important to not stress about the exercise. If you feel that other things are more important in a day, get those things done. Putting things off is a very big stress causer and at the end of the day you do not want to feel like you have nothing done. So get the little things out of the way, and during a day when you have more time, then go out for a walk. Or try to incorporate your errands with some walking. Try parking in the middle and walking to multiple stores instead of driving to each. (If you think that walking will take too long, walk faster :P)